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Sea of Thieves Ship Log App

Learn More:
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0 log entries recorded

combinedGalleons Sunk
combinedSloops Sunk
combinedEvents Completed
combinedBrigs Sunk
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What is the Sea Of Thieves Ship Log App?

Basically, it's a free web app that you use to manually keep a record of all the piracy you and your crew wreak upon on the Sea Of Thieves.

Keep a running count of ships sunk, events completed, flags raised, etc... Have the app tally up your plunder and record your ship size and crew for each session. Review your past deeds by viewing your ship's log which lists out each individual record with a date/time stamp. Brag to your fellow pirates by sharing your ship's profile page which contains a summary of all your exploits.

Take a look around without logging in:

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Murray, the Discord Bot and Real-Time Ship Logs

Your exploits are recorded real time and also posted publically to our discord log channel.

Install Murray Bot on your own discord server, select the ships you want to see and have it post the logs real time.

All our current ships and their public logs can be found here:

Last 15 logged events:

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Add a Logger Overlays to your Stream!

Currently there's three overlays you can use with your stream powered by the Sea of Thieves Logger App

  1. Ships Sunk Counter
  2. Gold Made Counter
  3. Dynamic Events Complete Counter

These overlays are powered by the app, as you sink boats, finish server events or earn gold, the counts increase.

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Join Our Discord

To Learn More, Join Our Discord and our community and share your adventures with us. Help us continue to develop the app as well all enjoy our time out on the Sea of Thieves!

This is a living app that is actively being developed. Be a part of it and help make the app better.

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Help Out By Donating

Use the App for free. No strings attached.

Feel like you want to help out?

Why not buy me a grog so I can spend my money on server fees and development. Click the link below to go to and securely donate as much or as little as you want: